
Cashless Canteen Management

A Simple Point of Sale (POS) Solution for your Cashless Canteen, developed, installed and supported in South Africa.

What does it do?

Allows employees to order and pay for lunches online. Allows Employees to use existing ID cards or biometric system at a cashless canteen or cashless kiosk.

Supports a smart and cashless environment. Improves your employees’ canteen experience.

Integrates into other systems, such as access control systems: Streamlines ordering, stock control, sales, and payments offering a simple solution for everyday tasks.

Reduces admin in managing sales, orders, payments, and stock levels.

Benefits for Canteen Owners

Minimises queues and speeds up transactions by using cashless mobile payment and cashless card or biometric system.

Cashless canteen solution: Cards linked to Employee Accounts Self-service canteen: Can be controlled by tellers, turnstiles, or printed tickets, depending on requirements. Reduces admin and eliminates loopholes, thereby saving money and time. Better stock and cash control, better planning and better management with a user friendly online stock control system.

Meal booking system:
Employees can place orders for X days in advance.

Meal Ordering:
Items can be set to be purchased on pre-defined days.

Meal Vouchers:
Flexible rule engine for subsidised meal programs.

Cut off times can be set to safeguard service providers from costly wastage.

Immediate and dedicated customer support.

How does it work?

Lunchhub’s easy-to-use online canteen management system.

Streamlines ordering, stock control, sales, and payments. It offers a simple solution for everyday tasks and managing sales, orders, payments, and stock levels for kiosks, canteens, coffee shops and food services providers.

Lunchhub’s cloud-based platform supports a smart and cashless canteen. It can be used in any environment – canteen, kiosk, events, and auxiliary services.

Lunchhub’s cashless canteen solution increases speed of services and reduces queuing time.

Lunchhub’s meal order system and cashless payment solution lets employees order and pay for meals online.

Lunchhub’s fine grained user control allows different users to only access relevant settings and views on the back office.

Lunchhub can be integrated to access control and human resources systems to automate the self-service canteen experience and reduce admin.

Lunchhub supports the management and administration of various types of meal vouchers, subsidies and allowances to employees.

Lunchhub is actively developed and installed in South Africa: We are locally based and can install remotely or have someone on site, depending on your needs and preference.
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